The SMS family warmly welcomes two talented additions to their creative design staff, Melissa McDermott and Caitlin Yacovelli.

New Jersey born Melissa is a graduate of the University of Central Florida and her digital media degree perfectly meshes her love of Internet technology and the arts. She’s also passionate about photography and enjoys listening to underground hip-hop music. Melissa was told about SMS by a friend and she found the company’s high-tech industrial clientele and small, close-knit structure to be both a welcome challenge and professionally comfortable. She says, “The variety of clients always keeps things interesting. I would have never expected to be managing websites for producers of glass components or tilt sensors.”

Next door in the art department, Massachusetts native and kayaking enthusiast Caitlin combines her accomplished collegiate lacrosse and catalog design backgrounds to keep SMS work competitive and creative. She, too, likes the family-style structure of the agency. Having joined only three months ago she says, “I already feel at home. Cheryl is my work mom, Anita and Angie my work sisters, and Dave that weird neighbor boy who seems to never go home,” adding, “Dave is a great teacher…this has been such an awesome place to learn everything.”

Everyone at SMS is excited to have both Melissa and Caitlin on board.

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